Informed Catholics – February 2018

Informed Catholics – February 2018

Family Faith during Lent

The liturgical season of Lent focuses on almsgiving, prayer, and sacrifice. Children often focus on the sacrifice part by “giving something up.” Consider that prayer is the focus that can impact both sacrifice and almsgiving. Using the Lenten season to develop prayer habits with the family will surely reach the mission of drawing each member closer to God. Here are some ideas to begin prayer habits this Lenten season for all age groups:

  • Prayer can be woven into the fabric of our lives. Offer up fasting and sacrifice to God. Blessings and little miracles that happen throughout the day need to be recognized and appreciated because all good things come from God.
  • Memorized Catholic prayers are important in times of sorrow, need, and crisis. Stop to pray together when someone has a need, loss, or prayers granted.
  • Consider having a prayer space in the house. Be sure they can see you use it from time to time.  Keep it simple.  Include a box for petitions, a cross, a prayer book, and a Bible.
  • Bless your children each night during prayer time. There are many books of blessings available such as, Children’s Book of Family Blessings by Ellen J. Kendig and A Child’s Book of Blessings, by Sabrina Dearborn.
  • Let children lead prayers.
  • Let God talk to your children through scripture. Have age-appropriate Bibles available for easy access throughout the house. Read from the Bible in the morning or at bedtime. Ascension Press has an excellent one, The Great Adventure Storybook.
  • Set aside time for silence. Disconnect from TV, phones, tablets, music, etc. Let God speak instead. Teach and model spending quiet time with God. Jesus did this often to find strength – even as He was preparing to die for our sins.

For more ideas, see 77 Ways to Pray With Kids by Jerry Windley-Daoust.


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