Informed Catholics – August 2017

Informed Catholics – August 2017

Faith Sharing

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, especially the first verse:   "There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens." When in a hurry for something, these verses remind me that all things occur at their appointed times. – Jackie Sturgis

What is your favorite Bible verse and why is it your favorite? E-mail us with your response at

Faith for Families

Our focus for family faith is Mass attendance with young children. This stage of development sees tremendous cognitive development. Young children actively learn through observing and experiencing. Positive experiences during Mass and other religious ceremonies will foster faith. They will imitate your quiet and reverence as they learn boundaries of the setting. However, their active minds need stimulation. Give your young child cuddle time and quietly acknowledge cooperation. Consider bringing a small backpack filled with faith-related books, baby dolls, or comfort items with you to Mass. Before you attend the next Mass with your child, discuss what to expect and what will be expected. We can accommodate busy minds while still fostering faith.

Website of the Month This site contains articles concerning each of our Sunday Mass readings.

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