Membership in a parish is ordinarily determined by the territory in which one resides. Non-territorial parishes may exist at the discretion of the Bishop. The right of any Catholic to become a member of any Catholic church must be respected.
1. Vital Christian life requires a commitment to active participation in the life of the parish community. Presence at communal worship and the reception of the sacraments are necessary ways of contributing to parish life. This active participation demands, too, that the individual members demonstrate stewardship in the parish community. Stewardship is the sharing of one’s time, talent, and treasure. However, the basic rights associated with Church membership which come from baptism cannot be refused simply because of the absence of any of these three.
2. It is necessary that every parish maintain an accurate census.
3. Any individual or family may select a parish other than that of the territory in which they presently reside for reasons of spiritual growth. Serious discernment should precede this decision.
4. It is the responsibility of the individual to demonstrate this decision by notification of his or her intentions to the pastor/parish life coordinator of the parish within whose territory the person resides. It is important that personal contact is made with the pastor/parish life coordinator in the chosen parish for registration and for understanding what a change of parish involves.
5. When people register in a parish other than their territorial parish, they must recognize and acknowledge that they are to look to the new parish for all their parish needs, such as religious education, sacramental preparation, baptisms, weddings, funerals, and anointing at the time of illness. They, likewise, no longer expect services from the territorial parish.
Parish registration assists the Bishop when assigning Priest to parishes based upon the number of families. Families wishing to enroll their children in Catholic School are given priority when registered in a parish, active, and financially supporting the Church. Parishioners wishing to be Godparents must be in good standing with the Church. The Priest can affirm the person is in good standing when registered, active, and supporting the Church.